Holo SDK 0.98

Holo SDK


Low Level


Holo Cursor Class Reference

Detailed Description

Holo cursor to mark the point the user is looking at. This cursor can change its size and color

Public Member Functions Documentation

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.ChangeSize (float multiplier

changes the cursor size

multiplier size multiplier respect to the original size

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.ChangeSize ( Vector2 newSize )

changes the cursor size

newSize new size

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.Enlarge ( )

enlarges the cursor by SizeMultiplier

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.Highlight( ) 

changes the cursor color to Highlight Color

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.ResetColor ( )

changes the cursor color to Normal Color

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.ResetSize ( )

resets the cursor size to originl size

Member Data Documentation

Color HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.HighlightColor = Color.red

Color set when the cursor is highlighted

Color HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.NormalColor = Color.white

Color set when the cursor is not highlighted

float HoloSDK.Core.HoloCursor.SizeMultiplier = 1.5f

Used in methods Enlarge, ResetSize e ChangeSize to change the cursor size

Holo Event Class Reference

Detailed Description

basic event for Holo SDK

Holo Fingerprint Class Reference

Detailed Description

This script shows how to receive feedback from the Fingerprint Module overriding the function SendMessageToUser

Member Functions Documentation

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.Enroll ( int position = 0 )
void HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.Identify ( )

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.ManageEnroll ( )

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.ManageIdentify ( )

Ovveride to use the Flick DownToUp gesture

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.OpenFingerprintScanner ( )

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.SendMessageToUser ( string message )

Method of FingerPrint Manager that allows to receive the message that the Stm sends during the Fingerprint procedure: enroll and identify


message the feedback from the fingerprint module

Member Data Documentation

HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.OnEnroll = new HoloEvent()


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloFingerprint.OnIdentify = new HoloEvent()

Holo Follow Rotation Class Reference

Detailed Description

Allows a target to rotate to keep it in front of a target (such as a camera) while it rotates

Member Data Documentation

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.AutoCreatePivot = true

if true, a pivot centered in FollowTarget position is created if the RotationPivot is not set

Transform HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.FollowTarget

transform used as rotation target to be followed

Vector2 HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.Offset = Vector2.zero

when a rotation is completed, this offset is applied

Transform HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.RotationPivot

transform used as a pivot for rotation

float HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.RotationSpeed = 3

rotation speed

Vector2 HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.ThresholdAngles = new Vector2( 15, 15 )

when the angles between the target and the rotation pivot is greater than these angles, the rotation starts

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.X = false

enable rotation on X axis

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloFollowRotation.Y = true

enable rotation on Y axis

Holo Head Rotation Class Reference

Detailed Description

Component used to apply head rotation (as read from gyroscope) to the current game object

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum HoloSDK.Core.HoloHeadRotation.RotationTrackingModes

rotation tracking modes


  • BasedOnPlatform
  • AbsoluteRotation
  • RelativeRotation

Member Data Documentation

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloHeadRotation.BlockZRotation = false

blocks the z rotation of the head

KeyCode HoloSDK.Core.HoloHeadRotation.EditorDebugKey = KeyCode.LeftControl

hold down this key on the keyboard to simulate the rotation in editor

float HoloSDK.Core.HoloHeadRotation.EditorRotationSpeed = 1

editor mouse rotation speed

RotationTrackingModes HoloSDK.Core.HoloHeadRotation.RotationTrackingMode = RotationTrackingModes.AbsoluteRotation

defines the rotation tracking mode: absolute rotation applies the current rotation relative rotation is based on angular velocity

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloHeadRotation.ShowDebugInfo = false

Holo Interactor Manager Class Reference

Detailed Description

UX implementation. This component manages the input coming from gestic and marshals the events associated to them. This component holds the selection/deselection logic for HoloPointerInteractable items pointed by HoloPointer This component will interact with HoloPointerInteractable components

partial class (HoloInteractionManager) that implements the UX for Leonardo platform

partial class (HoloInteractionManager) that implements the UX for Industry/Industry+ platforms

Member Functions Documentation

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageDoubleTap ( )

double tap management callback. If double tap is not enabled, ManageSingleTap is called instead

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageFlickDownToUp ( )

flick down-to-up management

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageFlickLeftToRight ( )

flick left-to-right management

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageFlickRightToLeft ( )

flick right-to-left management

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageFlickUpToDown ( )

flick up-to-down management

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageHold ( )

hold management

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageNewTap ( )

callback used to manage a new tap. It updates the last tap time and detects if the current tap is a first tap

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageSingleTap( ) 

single tap management callback

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ManageTripleTap ( )

triple tap management callback. If triple tap is not enabled, ManageDoubleTap is called instead

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.SetDoubleTapEnabled ( bool enable )

enables or disables double tap detection


enable enable

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.SetTripleTapEnabled ( bool enable )

enables or disables triple tap detection


enable enable

delegate void HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.TapCounterHandler ( int tapCount )

delegate to manage OnTapCounter event


tapCountnumber of taps detected

Member Data Documentation

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.DisableMultipleTapIfInteractableSelected = true

if true, the double or triple tap is disabled when the pointer is selecting a HoloPointerInteractable

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.DoubleTapToDeselectAll = true

if true, the Selected3D and SelectedUI lists are reset on double tap

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.EnableDoubleTap = true

is double tap enabled?

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.EnableTripleTap = false

is triple tap enabled?

float HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.HoldTime = 2

time (in seconds) to wait to detect hold

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.MultipleSelection = true

single/multiple selection by tap. Default behavior is that each tap on an interactable object will add or remove it to the Selected3D or SelectedUI lists. If DoubleTapToDeselectAll is checked, these lists are reset on double tap

float HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.MultipleTapDelay = 0.2f

maximum delay to wait between 2 consecutive taps to build a multiple tap sequence

HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnDoubleTap = new HoloEvent()

Event when DoubleTap Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnFlickDownToUp = new HoloEvent()

Event when FlickDownToUp Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnFlickLeftToRight = new HoloEvent()

Event when FlickLeftToRight Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnFlickRightToLeft = new HoloEvent()

Event when FlickRightToLeft Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnFlickUpToDown = new HoloEvent()

Event when FlickUptoDown Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnHold = new HoloEvent()

Event when Hold Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnTap = new HoloEvent()

Event when SingleTap Gesture is used


HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnTripleTap = new HoloEvent()

Event when TripleTap Gesture is used


List HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.Selected3D = new List()

currently selected 3D items (with HoloPointerInteractable component)

List HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.SelectedUI = new List()

currently selected UI items (with HoloPointerInteractable component)

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.SendTapMessagesToInteractables = true

send tap messages to interactable objects on single tap

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.ShowDebugInfo = false

show or hide debug info inside editor and at runtime

Property Documentation

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.IsFirstTap = false

true if the current tap is detected after a time >= MultipleTapDelay from last tap time

float HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.LastTapTime = 0

time of last tap detected

Event Documentation

TapCounterHandler HoloSDK.Core.HoloInteractionManager.OnTapCounter

event raised when a target number of taps is reached

Holo Manager Class Reference

Detailed Description

Holo SDK main options

Member function documentation

override void HoloSDK.Core.HoloManager.Awake ( )

Reimplemented from SingletonMonoBehaviour< HoloManager >.

Member data documentation

HoloPlatforms HoloSDK.Core.HoloManager.Platform = HoloPlatforms.LEONARDO

Holo SDK platform

Holo Microphone Class Reference

Detailed Description

Microphone interface to the user. It allows the user to record audioclips using the microphone

Member function documentation

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloMicrophone.StartRecording ( )

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloMicrophone.StopRecording( ) 

Member data documentation

int HoloSDK.Core.HoloMicrophone.MaxRecordLength = 20

Property documentation

AudioClip HoloSDK.Core.HoloMicrophone.Recorded

Holo Navigation Class Reference

Detailed Description

basic navigation features like back and quit

Member function documentation

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloNavigation.ExecuteBack ( )

back action execution (empty by default)

void HoloSDK.Core.HoloNavigation.ExecuteQuit ( )

quit action execution (empty by default)

Member data documentation

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloNavigation.DoubleTapForBack = true

if true, double tap is used as back navigation as default

HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloNavigation.OnBack = new HoloEvent()

on back event

HoloEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloNavigation.OnQuit = new HoloEvent()

on quit event

Holo Pointer Class Reference

Detailed Description

Holo pointer used to point a 3D/UI targets in Holo SDK This component will interact with HoloPointerInteractable components

Member function documentation

override void HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.Awake ( )

Reimplemented from SingletonMonoBehaviour< HoloPointer >.

Member data documentation

Canvas [] HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.canvases

An array where you can insert the canvases with UIElements with HoloPointerInteracatble components

bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.MultipleSelection = false

If true the tap does not causes the tap management to be invoked. It enables or disable the target selection (it’s added to a specific selection list)

HoloPointerEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.OnOver3DBegin = new HoloPointerEvent()

Event that is called when 3DObject with an HoloPointerInteractable attached is Selected


HoloPointerEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.OnOver3DEnd = new HoloPointerEvent()

Event that is called when 3DObject with an HoloPointerInteractable attached is Deselected


HoloPointerEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.OnOverUIBegin = new HoloPointerEvent()

Event that is called when UIObject with an HoloPointerInteractable attached is Selected

HoloPointerEvent HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.OnOverUIEnd = new HoloPointerEvent()

Event that is called when UIObject with an HoloPointerInteractable attached is Deselected


bool HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.ShowDebugInfo = false

if true debug messages are shown in editor and on runtime

HoloPointerTargets HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.TargetType = HoloPointerTargets.Both

Enum that Determines which objects can be detected (3D,UI,Both)

Property documentation

HoloPointerInteractable HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.Over3D

Returns the HoloPointerInteratable that is selected on a 3DObject

HoloPointerInteractable HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer.OverUI

Returns the HoloPointerInteratable that is selected on a UIElement on a Canvas

Holo Pointer Event Class Reference

Detailed Description

event passed from pointer to targets (HoloPointerInteractable instances)

Holo Pointer Interactable Class Reference

Detailed Description

abstract class to be derived to implement Holo pointer interactable objects (targets)

Member Function Documentation

abstract void HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointerInteractable.OnDeselect ( )

ovveride to determine what to do When the object is not pointed anymore

abstract void HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointerInteractable.OnSelect ( )

ovveride to determine what to do When the object is pointed

abstract void HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointerInteractable.OnTap ( )

Android Unity Callback Class Reference

Detailed Description

low level wrapper that allows the communication between the serial port and the unity environment. This class is used to read and parse the data coming from the serial port. When a valid message is interpreted a custom event is raised: Gesture or Fingerprint

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HoloSDK.LowLevel.AndroidUnityCallback.AndroidUnityCallback ( ) ctor

Member function Documentation

delegate void HoloSDK.LowLevel.AndroidUnityCallback.FingerprintHandler ( string message )

gesture message management delegate


delegate void HoloSDK.LowLevel.AndroidUnityCallback.GestureHandler ( string gesture )

gesture message management delegate


void HoloSDK.LowLevel.AndroidUnityCallback.onDataReceived ( byte[] buffer,
int size

data read callback

buffer input message buffer
size message size

Event Documentation

FingerprintHandler HoloSDK.LowLevel.AndroidUnityCallback.OnFingerprintMessageReceived

event raised when a valid fingerprint message arrives from serial port

GestureHandler HoloSDK.LowLevel.AndroidUnityCallback.OnGestureRecognized

event raised when a valid gesture message arrives from serial port

Serial Port Manager Class Reference

Detailed Description

low level wrapper that allows the communication between the serial port and the unity environment. This class is used to read and parse the data coming from the serial port. When a valid message is interpreted a custom event is raised: Gesture or Fingerprint

Member function Documentation

override void HoloSDK.LowLevel.SerialPortManager.Awake ( )

Reimplemented from SingletonMonoBehaviour< SerialPortManager >.

static void HoloSDK.LowLevel.SerialPortManager.sendData ( sbyte[] data )

allows to send a message to the serial port


Show debug GUI Class Reference

Detailed Description

Debug message with GUI

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum ShowDebugGUI.LogTypes


  • Message
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Exception

Member function Documentation

void ShowDebugGUI.AppendMessage ( string msg )

void ShowDebugGUI.AppendMessageAndLog ( string msg, LogTypes logType = LogTypes.Message )
oid ShowDebugGUI.SetMessage ( string msg )

void ShowDebugGUI.SetMessageAndLog ( string msg,
LogTypes logType = LogTypes.Message

Member Data Documentation

float ShowDebugGUI.EditorHideTimeMultiplier = 2
bool ShowDebugGUI.Enabled = true

float ShowDebugGUI.HideTime = -1

int ShowDebugGUI.LinesCount = 0

int ShowDebugGUI.LinesLimit = 50

Vector2 ShowDebugGUI.StartPosition = Vector2.one * 30

GUIStyle ShowDebugGUI.Style = new GUIStyle()

Member Data Documentation

ShowDebugGUI ShowDebugGUI.Instance

Singleton Mono Behaviour < T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

Singleton design pattern for MonoBehaviours

Template Parameters
T singleton type
Type Constraints
T :MonoBehaviour

Member function Documentation

virtual void SingletonMonoBehaviour< T >.Awake ( )

Reimplemented in HoloSDK.LowLevel.SerialPortManager, HoloSDK.Core.HoloPointer, and HoloSDK.Core.HoloManager.

virtual void SingletonMonoBehaviour< T >.OnDestroy ( )

Member data Documentation

SingletonReplacements SingletonMonoBehaviour< T >.SingletonReplacementPolicy = SingletonReplacements.DestroyThisComponent

singleton replacement policy

Property Documentation

T SingletonMonoBehaviour< T >.Instance

static singleton instance

Vuforia UVC Manager Class Reference

Detailed Description

allows an android phone to work with an external UVC Webcam